Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (version 2015)


The second sub-corpus of the Finnish Sign Language Corpus (2015) collected in the CFINSL (Corpus of Finland´s Sign Languages) project contains material only in Finnish sign language. The corpus to be published contains a total of over seven hours of video material from 12 signers. The multimodal dataset includes video material as well as machine-readable annotations and metadata temporally linked to the material. Annotation includes the identification of signs, the extraction of their meanings and forms, and sentence-level translations. The material comprises conversations and elicited narratives from 12 Finnish Sign Language signers who belong to different age groups and live in different parts of Finland. The signers perform seven fixed tasks which are: 1) introductions, 2) discussing work/hobbies, 3) narrating about short cartoon strips, 4) narrating about a video, 5) narrating a story from a picture book The Snowman or Frog, Where are you?, 6) discussing a topic related to the deaf world, and 7) free discussion (e.g. on travel, sports).
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Kieli- ja viestintätieteiden laitos

Salonen, Juhana Orcid -palvelun logo - Rights holder, Creator

Jantunen, Tommi Orcid -palvelun logo - Contributor


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Finnish Sign Language

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Finnish Sign Language

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